Pest Facts

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The first sight of a pest in your home or office can be unsettling. At Total Pest Management, we understand that you want the pest eliminates as quickly as possible. Let our team show you how to eradicate pests' quickly and at the most affordable price.

The pest variety in Las Vegas is extensive:

Black Widow Spider

Black widow spiders are common in dry, desert conditions throughout Nevada. This species of spider is identifiable by a distinctive orange-red hourglass shaped marking on the underside of the spider’s abdomen. Most bites suffered by humans are from female spider protecting their egg sack.


Argentine Ant

Approximately 1/8 inch long this ant species infests both landscapes and homes. Drawn to sweets, Argentine ant colonies can be very large with multiple queens forming “super colonies.”


Fire Ant

Fire ants are common in Southern Nevada. The name “fire ant” is derived from their ability to inflict painful bites and stings which have been described as feeling like the bite site is on fire. Fire ants prefer food with high protein content but will feed on almost anything plant or animal.


Silverfish / Firebrat

Silverfish have a distinct look that is identifiable by a broad body near the head that tapers at the abdomen. They have three long slender appendages from the rear of the body that are very distinctive. Silverfish are silver-grey, while Firebrats are more mottled in color. These species prefer to feed on starchy materials that are rich in protein.


House Fly

Commonly found in and around homes, the house fly carries diseases and have been found to horde over 100 pathogenic organisms. While house flies can migrate up to 20 miles, most stay within 1-2 miles radius.


Fruit Flies

Primarily attracted to fruits and vegetables, fruit flies seek out fruits that are fermenting. Adult females can lay approximately 500 eggs which can hatch in about 30 hours. They live about 8-10 days.



Almost all bees are Africanized on some level. Africanized bees are the predominate strain of feral honeybees in Southern Nevada. Honeybees have the potential to swarm if and when the colony becomes too large.



Scorpions are common throughout Nevada. They live from anywhere from 2-5 years. Scorpions give birth to live young, which the female carries on her back. They average about six molts before they become adults. Scorpions feed at night. During the day, they harbor in and under debris and can be found hiding in common household items such as shoes.


German Brown Cockroach

This cockroach is the most common cockroach found in Nevada. They are light sensitive and have the highest reproductive potential with each female possibly laying up to 50 eggs.


Oriental Cockroach

Commonly known as, “water bugs”, this species of cockroach is found primarily in dark, moist places. The particular species of cockroach is found mostly outdoors, although they have the ability to live indoors.



Earwigs are generally nocturnal feeders that are not commonly found indoors. They are noted by their flattened, elongated body with forceps-like cerci at the bottom.


House Mouse

House mice are commonly found inside the home nesting and reproducing. This mouse has very poor vision and is color-blind. However, it has keen senses of smell, taste, hearing, and touch. House mice typically only travel 10-30 feet from their nest.


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At Total Pest Management, our team educates our clients on the variety of pests found in Southern Nevada. We offer expert service for your home and business.

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